We have launched a groundbreaking Virtual Technician project, with a core focus on empowering women and youth. Our initiative involves outsourcing virtual technicians from select companies, specifically targeting women and youths for employment opportunities.

About​ V-Tech

​V-Tech, short for Virtual Technician, is a groundbreaking project by Syokinet Solutions designed to revolutionize the virtual workforce landscape.

innovative program focuses on outsourcing highly skilled virtual technicians from companies owned and operated by women or youths.
These companies will not only provide a pool of exceptional talent, but also contribute to fostering economic growth and transforming Africa's digital landscape
Syokinet Solutions 'V-Tech' program is a transformative initiative with a 
two-fold mission:

1.Empowering Women and Youths

We provide opportunities for aspiring young entrepreneurs and women to lead  virtual service companies.

2.Building a Skilled Virtual Workforce

We train and certify qualified individuals as virtual technicians, 
equipping them for success in the dynamic virtual landscape  

V-Tech is More Than A Program, It's a Movement

How V-Tech Works

 Company Selection

Syokinet Solutions identifies and collaborates with companies led by women or young entrepreneurs. 

Virtual Technician Training

Syokinet Solutions provides comprehensive training programs to equip aspiring virtual technicians with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in various virtual roles. 


Upon successful completion of the training, virtual technicians receive a recognized certificate, validating their expertise and marketability. 

Connecting Talent with Opportunity

After completing the training, virtual technicians are assigned realworld projects from Syokinet Solutions' established customer base. This allows them to gain valuable experience while working on projects that directly benefit businesses. 
Who Can Be Part of the Vtech

For Companies

Owned and operated by a woman or young entrepreneur. Willing to provide company details and undergo KYC verification. 

For Virtual technicians

A strong desire to learn new skills and excel in a virtual environment is a must. Basic computer literacy and a comfort level with using various 
online tools are required. The ability to communicate clearly and effectively through both written and verbal channels is crucial. Working 
effectively within a collaborative virtual team environment is essential for success.